Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Thing #12 - Commenting

One thing I found interesting was that when people make comments, comment back! It is the only polite thing to do and it lets the readers know that you, as the blogger, care about your readers. I can see how this would make sense. It is kind of like email...if a friend sends you an email and you don't reply back, a lot could go through their mind - Is my friend okay? Are they mad at me? Are they ignoring me? Did the email go through? etc.

Another thing I found important is that when I leave comments, I must not simply say "Great idea!" or "Thanks!". I need to leave a remark that lets the blogger know I care enough to reply to what they have said. Just as a blogger needs to validate the commenter, the commenter needs to validate the blogger.

Also as a blogger, I read that it is important to leave my blog open for discussion. I should ask questions or somehow invite people to comment on my blog so that they feel comfortable enough to do so.

I posted a comment on CafeMom as I searched "toddlers". I found some excellent recipes that I could try! I even decided to join the site. I am so glad that I was "made" to search some other blogs. It was neat to look at other comments as well. I really feel a part of a group!

I also posted on Green and Clean Mom. Again, I was finding what would be usfeful to my life and this topic caught me eye. The layout was attractive and the topics were interesting.

1 comment:

  1. I love the pictures on your blog. Great posters. I hope to have some great inspirational posters in my library, also. I think children want something and someone to inspire them. Many of the adults in their lives are pretty busy and don't talk to them about things that will inspire them. So, I think it is appreciated when one has great posters in one's space at a school. The students read them, even if they don't tell you. There are always a lot of things they talk about amongst themselves that they don't tell us adults about- and I think posters are one of them.
